INSTACAST PLUS is ideal for streaming under Low Bandwidth Internet and INSTACAST PRO is perfect for good Internet Connectivity. The two variants PLUS and PRO are specially formulated for your specific needs.Carry it around and stream your video instantly and incessantly on the go to any number of viewers. Live Streaming a graduation ceremony or an important meet or a conference is made easier with INSTACAST. INSTACAST provides greater reliability as it instantly gushes your live videos to the destinations whether sending to a particular circle or pushing to all social media destinations.Holding INSTACAST which is a sole performer by itself helps the institutions to avoid the mess of huge PCs and bulkier systems. Live Streaming has helped them in pushing their boundaries in the overall system of joyful learning replacing monotonous learning. They are triumphant in leveraging their number of viewers. Schools and Colleges are increasingly exploiting the power of live video streaming in their classrooms, halls, libraries, campuses and even all around the world.INSTACAST enables you to capture your moments at the most crucial states, at the most fascinating moments, at the most delightful occasions and at your daring adventures.INSTACAST PLUS is excellent for streaming under Low Bandwidth Internet and INSTACAST PRO is ideal for good Internet Connectivity. Connect to your Server instantly and stream at the real moment. The equipment can be mounted over your camera or it can be set on the stand. Owning INSTACAST will save you from carrying bulkier machines and systems as it has a Mini display which gives you all the necessary options.
They are highly portable as well as reliable to be carried at ease.

This flexibility is given by INSTACAST Encoders. The environment for a live outdoor video shoot requires flexibility to move around. People are preoccupied with updating the live feed of any festival or religious gathering or social gathering in social media to share their joy with the whole world. The Current trend calls for the live updates of any event, whether it be social or personal.